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Code Rush

with Jay & Rob

Episode 17: Flat mechanical keyboards, domain names, animating strokes, Vidstack

It has been a while. When we recorded this episode a while ago after a few drinks, and apparently it took Jay time to recover the edit. But here we are, with more profanity than usual. Sorry, not sorry. Jay spent a lot of money on hardware and a domain. We share what we’ve been working on, cover a lot of news and vacuum Jay’s tiny house in London.

Time Jump Links

  • Introduction
  • Jay’s mechanical keyboard
  • Expensive domain names
  • Animating strokes
  • Laravel for frontenders
  • Vacuum intermezzo
  • Content blockers
  • Jay’s Figma and design journey
  • Vidstack, Plyr, and skinning video
  • CSS grid and masonry
  • Dark mode as a UI piece
  • View transitions coming to Safari
  • Detecting JS support in CSS
  • Chrome Devtools update
  • New Statamic v5 commands
  • Wrapping up

Links Talked about in the Show